Tutoring Families teaches families how to maximize literacy learning at home.
Whether your child learns at home or at school, has a literacy tutor or not, you, as a parent, can support your child’s literacy learning at home. Tutoring Families shares literacy activities that increase learning and growth. We show parents how to implement these activities and explain their value. This way, parents can spend more time working directly with their children and less time researching and gathering materials and figuring out how to implement activities. Tutoring Families' goal is to make literacy learning a positive and rewarding experience for the entire family.
Join Tutoring Families' community network to access top-notch literacy resources and to connect with other families committed to literacy learning. (It's free to join!) This is the premier network for increasing your knowledge of the best literacy practices for pre-readers and beginning readers. Our community forum is a great place to ask questions and receive answers and support.
To learn more about how to support your pre-reader at home, join our free 6-day Early Literacy Learning at Home workshop, which teaches families about the importance of pre-reading skills and how to integrate early literacy learning into home life. To delve deeper, enroll in The Literacy Lifestyle course (offered next in Fall 2021), designed for families with pre-readers (ages 3-6). This course teaches you how to prepare your children to learn to read and will help you grow into your child's best literacy tutor. Each week, it offers a live class and a Q+A call, as well as easy-to-implement literacy curriculum. Tutoring Families also offers reading therapy, tutoring and private consultations to help you find ways to support your child’s literacy learning at home.